Green finance and strategy

Climate Finance Fund Strategy and Advisory for a pan-African Bank.

Provided advisory services and research on the deployment of climate finance funds focused on renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors in several African countries including Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria. The project included country specific studies on local industries and potential partnerships opportunities with other financiers in order to deploy international climate finance from development banks and private financiers in Africa.


The Localization Potential of Photovoltaics and a Strategy to Support the Larger Roll-Out in South Africa, 2013. Contributing author. (A more recent version of this report was also published in 2022, so get in touch for more details)

Grid Modernization and smart grids

Electricity Trade Integration and Tariff Policy Study for ASEAN Region

Worked with the government of Thailand and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to enable more cross-border electricity trade while aligning tariff policies and grid planning. Project lasted about 1 year and included in country stakeholder workshops, profiling international case studies, electricity market structure review, and energy policy recommendations. Worked with the government of Thailand and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to enable more cross-border electricity trade and make adjustments to enabling tariff policies and tariff structure. Project lasted about 1 year and included in country stakeholder workshops, profiling international case studies, electricity market structure review, and energy policy recommendations.

Wind Farm sunset

Developed Namibia’s Renewable Energy Policy

Key author for Namibia’s renewable energy policy in alignment with the countries available resources and procurement goals. Key tasks included identifying existing institutional gaps in the renewable energy sector, profiling status quo, stakeholder engagement, workshop facilitation, and drafting policy.

Off-grid solar PV financing

Investment & Grant Funding Evaluations for Renewable Energy, Microgrid, and Storage Projects in Africa and Asia.

Evaluated over a dozen early stage renewable energy, energy storage, & microgrid projects applying for support with feasibility, potential technology demonstrations, and/or financing. Projects included utility-scale batteries, wind farms, solar PV plants, water resiliency/irrigation, small hydro, microgrids, and some hybrid projects in various locations across Africa and Asia. Follow-on work focused on grant deployment for Just Energy Transition projects.

low income housing and distributed energy resources

Energy Efficiency and Renewables in Low Income Housing

Worked with Western Cape Government to enable local firms to supply energy efficiency and renewable energy services and products to low income and high density settlements in the Western Cape of South Africa.