Article written by Ijeoma Ozulumba Doris with support from her teacher Chris Ahlfeldt as part of the…
External AuthorNovember 15, 2021
South Africa's Round 5 of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Program (REIPPPP) is…
Chris AhlfeldtSeptember 21, 2021
Early last year, I taught my first course on Environmental Finance at the University of…
Chris AhlfeldtJanuary 19, 2021
I recently participated in an interview with Ken Fullerton about sustainability and empowering the next…
Chris AhlfeldtMay 28, 2020
I recently participated in an interview with Ken Fullerton from ARTD Consultants in Sydney, Australia…
External AuthorMarch 13, 2020
As a follow-on to a previous article we published for impact investors looking to invest…
Chris AhlfeldtMay 9, 2019
In a recent interview with Irish Tech News, I provided some thoughts on how impact…
Chris AhlfeldtApril 22, 2019
To help investors look beyond returns and unpack feasibility and potential impact of a renewable…
Chris AhlfeldtApril 12, 2019